There is an ardent need to safeguard our environment because of the rise in environmental imbalance.  The choked oceans, rivers and tight packed landfills are the results of our responsible contribution to the environment. Before it’s too late, be a wise man and act responsibly. If you are a business entrepreneur, then operating a green business will bring positive change in your business and on the environment as well. Keeping in view the 3 R’s of Waste Hierarchy i.e. (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle) and by preserving the resources your business can save a lot of money in the long-run.

EWasteimg1So, without further delay, let’s look at the steps that can help you make your business more sustainable. For recycling purpose, we have the best Recycling Company in San Jose.

  1. Office Stationery

According to the data, it is found that in the U.S alone, over four million pens are thrown away. And that’s just pens, that also of one country! In the case of pens, your office can stock the reusable pens, the ones that have their ink refilled. When the pens can be refilled then why there is a need to throw them? Refilling also makes it easier to keep the track of the pens, instead of losing them and every time replacing them. In this way, they will work out cheaper in long run.


We know that now everything is done digitally over the phone. But the use of paper is still relevant when it comes to letters and direct email that requires an envelope. For an eco-friendly method, you need to switch to eco-friendly envelopes and envelopes which are reusable. With the use of these envelopes, you can save your cost on envelopes and will eliminate the expenses that you need to spend for a separate reply envelope in your mailings.

  1. Furniture

According to the researches, it is found out that the lands are tightly packed with the wastage of materials of furniture. Illustrating it through an example of a chair, that is basically made of different materials and chemicals. Since most of the furniture and equipment are made of wood, metal, and plastic have a long-term life.  Thus, they can be effectively reused. When these furniture materials are not disposed of properly, they can result in severe consequences for the environment.

We offer the best Recycling in San Jose.  

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